[10000印刷√] oracle alter table move partition update local indexes 175676-Oracle alter table modify partition rebuild unusable local indexes
The naming convention for the resulting index partition is the same as in ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION Split Partition Syntax ALTER TABLE schematable SPLIT PARTITION partition_name_old AT (value_list) into (partition_description, partition_description) prallel_clause UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES Applies only to range partition3 See how much space the new compressed partition is allocating and compare it to the size of the uncompressed partition @c\wkdir\part_after_compressionsql PROMPT Space consumption AFTER compression SELECT partition_name, compression FROM user_tab_partitionsTable altered SQL> select index_name, partition_name,status 2
Alter Table
Oracle alter table modify partition rebuild unusable local indexes
Oracle alter table modify partition rebuild unusable local indexes-6/16/ · These type of table cannot be move by using move command or CTAS SQL> alter table FND_VIEW_TAB move tablespace tools;7/24/19 · HOW TO MOVE BASICFILE LOB TO SECUREFILE LOB Aşağıdaki scriptler yardımıyla lob alanlarımızı move edebiliriz Table Without Partition partition lı olmayan tablo için select 'alter table 'lOWNER''lTABLE_NAME' move lob('lCOLUMN_NAME') store as securefile( tablespace 'lTABLESPACE_NAME' compress high deduplicate ) update global indexes
Alter table FND_VIEW_TAB move tablespace tools * ERROR at line 1 ORA illegal use of LONG datatype We need to use the exp/imp to overcome this issue Export the table having column as LONG datatype using datapump orTable altered SQL> alter table sales_range modify partition q3 indexing off;2/14/17 · It is one to one relation with table partition and index partition Global Index is the index used in oracle for partition table or normal table It is one to many relation with an index linked with multiple table partition or table Note Non partitioned indexes are global indexes by
SQL> SQL> set echo on SQL> ALTER TABLE pt 2 SPLIT PARTITION for (5) INTO 3 (PARTITION pa values less than (1), 4 PARTITION pb values less than (2), 5 PARTITION pc values less than (3), 6 PARTITION pd values less than (4), 7 PARTITION pe);1/11/13 · This discussion is archived 3 Replies Latest reply on Jan 11, 13 1129 AM by JohnWatson Latest reply on Jan 11, 13 1129 AM by JohnWatson5/27/16 · You can use the ALTER TABLEMOVE PARTITION statement or ALTER TABLEMOVE SUBPARTITION statement to move a table partition or subpartition When you use the ONLINE keyword with either of these statements, DML operations can continue to run uninterrupted on the partition or subpartition that is being moved
When the partition bound on the highest partition is anything other than MAXVALUE, you can add a partition using the ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION statement ALTER TABLE edu ADD PARTITION jan99 VALUES LESS THAN ( '9901' ) TABLESPACE tsjan99;ALTER TABLE SPLIT PARTITION with UPDATE INDEXES leaves the local indexes in Unusable state when the user who executes the SPLIT command has no ALTER INDEX privilege The following testcase demonstrates the issueIndex created SQL> SQL> ALTER TABLE XYZ EXCHANGE PARTITION XYZ_2 WITH TABLE XXX EXCLUDING INDEXES WITHOUT VALIDATION update indexes;
Create index i2 on t ( c2 );1 I have a partitioned table in Oracle 11g with a PK (global index) If I truncate one of the partitions with ALTER TABLE tbl1 TRUNCATE PARTITION p1;The query below does job well but BLOCKS all DML operations on the table until the indexes are rebuilt ALTER TABLE ABC DROP PARTITION PART1 UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES;
This entry was posted in ORACLE , SQL Commands and tagged alter , index , move , oracle , partition , sql , tablespace on March 28, 13 by Duarte Velez GriloCreate index i1 on t ( c1 );Table altered Move Partitions Oracle You can generate the move all partitions script
But If I break the query into 2 parts and rebuilt indexes with ONLINE option separately, DML queries DOES NOT get blocked while indexes are being rebuiltLocal Indexes UNUSABLE for short period in alter table move partition Scope Local indexes (unlike global indexes) are unusable for a short period during an alter table move partition update indexes This can lead to ORA It could also lead to unpredictable performance if Oracle during that time would perform full scans insteadTable altered SQL> drop index idx_pt1;
Into ( partition p2a, partition p2b ) update local indexes * ERROR at line 2 ORA missing keyword9/13/13 · sql> alter table msctb_salaries drop partition p_12_31_12 update global indexes;5/16/17 · A partition exchange load swaps the data of a standalone nonpartitioned table into a particular partition in a partitioned table Unlike loading data directly into a partitioned table, a partition exchange offers a greater degree of flexibility in terms of index maintenance and when the data becomes visible to the endusers
4/6/19 · Hi, Sometimes you need to move tables,indexes,partitions and subpartitions to the new tablespace in Oracle Especially you want to drop any tablespace so you need to discharge or move all tables to the new tablespace You can move any table to new tablespace in Oracle with following command ALTER TABLE MEHMETSALIH MOVE TABLESPACESQL> alter table pt1 move partition p01 tablespace tartbs nologging compress update indexes parallel 4;ALTER TABLE sales MOVE PARTITION sales_q4_01 COMPRESS UPDATE INDEXES;
Add Primary Key to the offline Table ALTER TABLE call_temp ADD CONSTRAINT pk_call_temp PRIMARY KEY(id)Table altered SQL> alter table sales_range modify partition q2 indexing off;8/23/17 · Until 11gR2 to move a table to different tablespace there were two available methods, first one was ALTER TABLE MOVE TABLESPACE but during this the table was locked for DML, thus downtime and the second one was DBMS_REDEFINITION which will allow to create a new table on the desired tablespace and sync the data between them ONLINE and when the sync ends the
Table altered SQL> CREATE INDEX XXX_IX1 ON XXX(col1) ;String_index_rebuild = select 'alter index 'aowner' 'aindex_name' rebuild;' from dba_indexes where table_name=v_tab_mon_auttable;Indexes You cannot drop local indexes directly Corresponding local index partitions are dropped regardless of status when table partition is dropped You can drop a partition of a global index The dropped index entries are recreated in the nexthigher partition on rebuilding When to Drop a Partition
We have tables with range partitions of a month interval The indexes on the tables including the primary key are local indexes However, when exchanging the partition from these tables with a table without partition, the local indexes become UNUSABLE In the Oracle documentation, it only talks about issues with Global indexesIndex partitioning with Oracle A local partitioned index creates a oneforone match between the indexes and the partitions in the table Of course, the key value for the table partition and the value for the local index must be identical The second method is called GLOBAL and allows the index to have any number of partitionsNot only is the table locked while the move is in progress, but also the move broke all the indexes That is massive downtime But this is release 122 Take a look at this syntax x122> x122> alter table emp move tablespace users online update indexes;
Alter table t modify partition by range ( c1 )String_table_move = CONCAT ( string_table_move,' move ;Cursor c_index is select index_name,owner from dba_indexes where table_name=v_tab_mon_auttable_name
Column table_name format a30;12/21/11 · 3 exchange partition update global indexes不会block使用global index的select语句,但是由于大量的update index操作,所以会使得查询大量走undo,所以查询会变慢。 在如下exchange partition update global indexes命令进行时: alter table haopart exchange partition part04 with table haotmpUnless you specify UPDATE INDEXES as part of the ALTER TABLE statement Any local index partition corresponding to the selected partition is also dropped Local index partitions corresponding to the one or more absorbing partitions are marked UNUSABLE and must be rebuilt
Index Enhancements for Partitioned Tables Partial Index for Partitioned Tables Oracle 12c introduces the flexibility to create partial indexes on subset of a partition or subpartition These indexes can be either global or local indexesThe drop partition operation was performed immediately, I did not have wait With the trace file and tkprof utility, we can observe that the elapsed time for the whole statements is below 1 second, compared to the 69 seconds in 11gREM Indexes select 'ALTER INDEX myschema' index_name ' rebuild tablespace new_tablespace online;' from dba_indexes where owner='myschema' and index_type'LOB' and
Alternatively, you can specify only the PARTITION keyword and let the database update the partition attributes as follows For operations on a single table partition (such as MOVE PARTITION and SPLIT PARTITION), the corresponding index partition inherits the attributes of the affected index partition The database does not generate names for new index partitions, so any new index partitionsSQL> ALTER TABLE XXX ADD CONSTRAINT XXX_PK PRIMARY KEY (ID) USING INDEX;Table altered SQL> SQL> ALTER TABLE TEST_TABLE MOVE SUBPARTITION SYS_SUBP1453 ONLINE TABLESPACE users UPDATE INDEXES;
Segment_name segment_type partition_name bytes tbl_a table partitionIf so, use the update indexes clause to state whether they're local or global For global indexes, you can use a different partitioning scheme to the base table create table t ( c1 int, c2 int, c3 int );12/31/05 · With regard to the local indexes for the new partition and for the existing partition from which rows were redistributed, these are marked UNUSABLE and must be rebuilt Thus, after using the alter table split partition process, the new index partitions get their attributes from the original partition Unless otherwise specified, new index partitions are stored in the default tablespace of the partition
You can create two types of Oracle Database Index (indices) on partitioned tables Articles Related Metadata Usable Locality Local The index is partitioned in exactly the same way as the base table For instance, you can create a local index on the TRANS_AMOUNT column of the TRANS table as follows2/26/ · For local indexes, the index keys within the index will refer only to the rows stored in the single underlying table partition A local index is created by specifying the LOCAL attribute, and can be created as UNIQUE or NONUNIQUE The table and local index are either partitioned in exactly the same manner, or have the same partition key3/18/15 · Another feature in 12c is that this online partition movement will not make the associated partitioned indexes left in an unusable state The UPDATE INDEXES ONLINE clause will maintain the global and local indexes on the table SQL> ALTER TABLE sales MOVE PARTITION sales_q2_1998 TABLESPACE users 2 UPDATE INDEXES ONLINE;
ALTER TABLE sales DROP PARTITION sales_q1_08, sales_q2_08, sales_q3_08, sales_q4_08;Column partition_name format a30;Select 'ALTER TABLE myschema' table_name ' move tablespace new_tablespace;' from dba_tables where owner='myschema' and tablespace_name='current_tablespace';
9//17 · There is no such thing as keeping only the local indexes entries updated and not the global ones SQL> alter table t split partition p2 at (6000) 2 into ( partition p2a, partition p2b ) update local indexes;Column segment_name format a;8/23/17 · With 12cR1 you can now move table partitions and subpartitions online There are lot of reasons for which you might want to move a table partition or subpartition such as Recluster data and reduce fragmentation Move a partition to another tablespace Modify createtime attributes Store the data in compressed format using table compression
7/3/18 · Local and global index present in partition table of the oracle Index is created on basis of partition is local and index created on whole table is global index You cannot rebuild the local index which having partition as normal If you tried to do you are getting the following error SQL> alter index sales_IDX rebuild;The global index has the status UNUSABLE If I use ALTER TABLE tbl1 TRUNCATE PARTITION p1 UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES;Index created Elapsed SQL> alter table pt1 move partition p01 tablespace tartbs;
Column index_name format a30;ALTER TABLE partitioning Change the partition properties of an existing table Syntax INVALIDATE} GLOBAL INDEXES PARALLEL int NOPARALLEL MAPPING TABLE UPDATE BLOCK REFERENCES MAPPING TABLE ALLOCATE EXTENT ( REBUILD UNUSABLE LOCAL INDEXES MOVE PARTITION partition MAPPING TABLE storage_options COMPRESS intSelect segment_name, segment_type, partition_name, bytes from user_segments where segment_name like 'tbl_a%' order by segment_name, partition_name nulls first;
Alter table TAB27_PART move partition SYS_P184 compress for oltp ;When there are local indexes defined on the table and you issue the ALTER TABLEAlter table TAB27_PART move partition SYS_P1 compress for oltp ;
Alter session set nls_date_format = 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24miss';Index dropped Elapsed SQL> SQL> create index idx_pt1 on pt1(object_id);パーティション・セグメント毎の圧縮属性とサイズを確認 set linesize 150 pagesize col TABLE
3/21/12 · I have been contacted by one of our customers with quite interesting problem They have upgraded their oracle database to 1131 and4/6/19 · SQL> ALTER TABLE TEST_TABLE MOVE PARTITION PART_ ONLINE TABLESPACE NEW_TABLESPACE_NAME UPDATE INDEXES;12/1/16 · Say partitions Q1, Q2 and Q3 are not popular any more, only Q4 is accessed frequently In 12c I can do this SQL> alter table sales_range modify partition q1 indexing off;
3/9/14 · $ sqlplus TRY/TRY SQL> $ sqlplus TRY/TRY SQL> 4ヶ月分のパーティションをそれぞれ圧縮 alter table TAB27_PART move partition P1401 compress for oltp ;The options to maintain index is 'UPDATE INDEXES' in alter table table_name move subpartition subpartition_name tablespace tabelspace_name UPDATE INDEXES ;Create index i3 on t ( c3 );
Add LOCAL Primary Key to the Partition Table as a local Index ALTER TABLE call ADD CONSTRAINT pk_call PRIMARY KEY(id) USING INDEX (CREATE INDEX pk_call ON CALL(id) NOLOGGING LOCAL);Alter table TAB27_PART move partition SYS_P1 compress for oltp ;3/28/13 · Move the index's partition to another tablespace ALTER INDEX REBUILD PARTITION TABLESPACE NOLOGGING;
Table altered This alone doesn't affect indexes,